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Why do ladybugs have speckles?

Some ladybug species have a bitter tasting, potentially dangerous liquid called hemolymph. The speckled look is an indication to predators that this entity is a ladybug which they know from past experience that tastes bad. Eventho hemolymph secreting ladybugs aren’t that common, there are enough of them to label ladybugs as not viable food sources. In conclusion the speckles are for signaling to predators that this entity is a ladybug. A fun fact is that animals like birds who are fed by their parents as infants do not eat ladybugs events they have never been negatively effected by it in the past. This is thought to be because of generation experience. Generational experience plays role in this stiuation by the fact that birds do not tend to eat bugs or other insects that they were not fed trough infantry. This can be proven by having an experiment of birds not being fed a certain insect that they normally should have in their diet and observing that they tend to be hesitant on eating that certain insect. The reason why birds behave this way is again, natural selection. Birds who have not learned their lesson trough infantry likely were poisoned eating bugs that they should not have. Trough natural selection curiosity killed the cat (or the bird in this case), which resulted in the non-curious genes being preserved trough the bird generations which caused the behavior of birds today.


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